Don't have much to say about either Madonna project from this era - her ballads collection Something To Remember or Evita - other than it was clear Madge was doubling down on the slow, classy, pretty ballads in the wake of the monster success of "Take A Bow". Commercially I suppose this made sense, up to a point. But Madonna was never just about ballads, and the disturbing run of them began to make it sound like she'd been taken over by a pod person. From the planet B'oring. It was nice to get single hits like "This Used To Be My Playground" and "I'll Remember" collected in one place, since they hadn’t appeared on a proper Madonna album before. When coupled with tasteful , ballady album hits like "Rain", the collection helped to demonstrate that Madonna could, in fact, do justice to ballads (and write 'em, too). Hello, Mr. Evita Producers! Here's my audition tape! It's sure breezy where love d...
Off the cuff observations and insights on music, culture, technology, politics or whatever writing itch needs to be scratched at the moment.